The Simple Path to Wealth

INVESTMENT The Simple Path to Wealth My review of The Simple Path to Wealth by J L Collins. What started out as a set of letters to his daughter ended up as a personal finance classic. The financial services industry sometimes seems to exist to make things...

Investing for good

INVESTMENT Investing for good There’s no clear consensus on how individual citizens should best use their investments to save the planet. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try. A longer version of this blog, with references to supporting academic evidence, can be found...

Should we be taking more investment risk?

INVESTMENT Should we be taking more investment risk? Real life data on investor behaviour suggests we may be less averse to losses than we think. This raises the question: should we take more investment risk? It’s long been recognised that most people are more...

Financial coach vs financial advisor

INVESTMENT Financial coach vs financial advisor Financial coaches provide a different, but complementary, service to independent financial advisors. It’s important to understand the differences to decide which best suits your needs. I’m a financial coach not a...

The beauty of a rationally irrational investment approach

INVESTMENT The beauty of a rationally irrational investment approach Our investment strategy needs to take psychology into account. Money is fungible (a £ is a £ wherever it is) so we should consider our investments as a single integrated portfolio. This portfolio has...