How to set an investment strategy

INVESTMENT How to set an investment strategy A robust investment strategy has to be linked to your financial goals and, crucially, the extent to which they are flexible. Within the financial advisory industry, a key input into investment strategy is the risk attitude...

Stocks for the Long Run

INVESTMENT Stocks for the Long Run My review of Stocks for the Long Run by Jeremy Siegel. This classic text by an esteemed Wharton professor powerfully makes the case for investing in equities. It’s impossible to do justice to this great book in a short review....

Property vs the stock market

INVESTMENT Property vs the stock market For most people, the stock market is a better bet than buy-to-let. Where should I invest my money for growth? This is a question faced by all successful professionals. You’ve hopefully controlled your spending to create a...

10 thoughts on risk

INVESTMENT 10 thoughts on risk Thinking about risk in investment strategy means going beyond the simplistic notions of risk attitude questionnaires. 1. Risk is not the same as volatility The financial adviser profession has learned the lingo of financial economics....

Investing Demystified

INVESTMENT Investing Demystified My review of Investing Demystified by Lars Kroijer. This book by the former hedge fund manager is a good summary of the basics of investment, including how to avoid the fees he used to charge. Lars Kroijer used to be a hedge fund...