In praise of laziness

LIFE In praise of laziness Research suggests that wasting time isn’t as bad as it sounds. Productivity is the holy grail. Advocates of the ‘5am club’ extol the virtues of rising before dawn to get more done in the undisturbed early hours. Self-help classics like...

Have I lost my edge?

TRANSITION Have I lost my edge? As my main professional career recedes into the past, new priorities emerge. Before I left PwC, I was chatting with a colleague who said of my decision to retire early, ‘Aren’t you afraid of losing your edge?’. He went on to...

What do you want from life?

LIFE & TRANSITION What do you want from life? A structured approach, based on evidence, can help you find a better answer to this difficult question. My aim is to help professionals to use the success they’ve earned to live the life they want to lead. But figuring...

The psychology of adaptation

LIFE The psychology of adaptation Things will rarely be as good as we hope or as bad as we fear. On the morning of 24th June 2016, I was devastated. Britain had voted for Brexit. This was no longer the country I thought it was. The future for me and my children had...

The Science of Wellbeing

LIFE The Science of Wellbeing My review of The Science of Wellbeing by Laurie Santos. This online course by the Yale psychologist combines rigorous evidence and practical techniques in pursuit of wellbeing. Count your blessings. Be grateful. Savour the moment. Perform...

The Psychology of Money

LIFE The Psychology of Money My review of The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel. Gems of wisdom from someone part-way along his path to financial freedom for people just starting out. A financial journalist turned investor and writer, Morgan Housel has a wise head...